How to Use Onion for Hair Growth

Benefits and use of onion for hair growth and to stop hair falling. Are you one of them who are losing their hair every single day? 50-100 hairs per day are considered to be the normal, losing hair trend. Severe hair loss effect on the two things one is confidence level and 2nd is the appearance. There are a lot of natural remedies which can help you regarding the hair growth and Onion juice is considered to be the most effective and cheap one.
Onion is considered to be the safe method for preventing hair loss and it also promote the hair growth without any side effects or it also not cause any sort of allergic. With the onion, economical, safe method you don’t have to use any harsh chemicals for hair growth. Onion is considered to be the natural and effective remedy if you are facing the hair loss issue. Keep in your mind that onion will not give you the same result like the costly hair spas.

Can Onion really Helpful in Hair Growth?

Many people think that onion is not helpful for the growth of the hair. For some of us it is really a question that onion is helpful in hair growth? Scientific studies prove that onion juice is considered to be the best natural remedies for hair loss and if a person takes the raw onion it is helpful in controlling hair loss and other hair related problems such as dandruff, fungal infections and yeast infections. It is also proved that onion is also effective in preventing premature graying of hair.

The role of Onion in Hair Growth

A lot of the people don’t know the role of onion in promoting the hair growth. Onions contains sulfur content in them and when a person apply the Onion juices on the scalp along with the combination with some effective hair loss remedies it improve the blood circulation to the scalp. Sulfur is also helpful in improving the production of collagen tissues which is considered to be the important one for the growth of hair.
The anti-bacterial properties in the sulfur prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria that are present on the scalp and increase the chances of losing hair. Onion juice is also helpful in increasing the strength of the hair and stops hair thinning and breakage. The regular application of the onion juice on the scalp is also helpful in increasing the volume to your hair.

Onion for the Faster Hair growth

If you want to achieve the hair growth with the help of onion juice you just need to extract its juice and apply it on the scalp thoroughly. No dough that the juice has a pungent smell but this remedy is considered to be the effective one in achieving the good results. After the application you just wait for least 30 minutes.
You can wait for some more minutes if you are able to bear the smell of the juice. With the water and mild shampoo Rinse off the juice. Repeat this remedy at least thrice a week for two months to get the required results. Onion is a natural remedy that’s why it will take some time to give the results.

How To Make Onion Juice For Hair Growth?

Everyone can easily and effortlessly make the onion juice to promote the hair growth. To extract the juice you can use the food processor, blender, grater or a juicer. Take the onions and Peel the onions according to your hair length and then cut them into the smaller pieces. You can put them in blender or juicer and extract the juice and apply the juice by using your hand.

Methods Of Using Onion for the Hair Growth

1.    Onion Juice-Honey Mixture

Take ¼ cup of onion juice and one tablespoon of honey, mix it and apply this mixture on the scalp and massage it for 15 minutes on the daily to get the desired results.

2.    Onion Juice And Rum

If the smell of onions is unbearable for you then chop one medium sized onion and soak this in a glass of rum overnight. Next day, strain this mixture and remove all the onion pieces. massage the scalp with this juice or use as a tonic after washing the hair.

3.    Include Onion In Your Recipes

You can add onions in your regular recipes and in salads to promote the hair growth, but it will not give you the faster results like the applying the juice to the hair.

4.    Rinse the hair with Onion Juice;

You can use the onion juice for hair growth. Add 3-4 chopped onion to one liter of water and boil it for about 10 – 20 minutes. Wait the mixture to cool and then strain it and Use the onion boiled water to rinse the hair after shampooing.
To promote the hair growth, you can massage the hair scalp with a mixture of olive oil, coconut oil and almond oil one time in a week. To achieve the better results, leave the oil overnight on your hair. eat healthy diet to prevent hair loss and to promote the growth of your hairs.
So this is the top three homemade hair growth onion remedy for men and women. Onions can stop the hair falling and make your hair strong, thick, shinning and long. So try this at home and stay blessed.
How to Use Onion for Hair Growth How to Use Onion for Hair Growth Reviewed by Marash on 9:02 AM Rating: 5