7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Premenstrual Syndrome

 OMG! It’s that time of the month again! Do your PMS symptoms make you go through hell every month? Do you often wonder if there are any simple remedies that can help you decrease or lessen the symptoms?

Home Remedies For Premenstrual Syndrome

 1. Eat Healthy

Consume lots of vegetables and fruits, fishes, poultry, whole grains, starches, nuts and raw seeds. These provide the body with all the nutrients that are essential to carry out the various metabolic processes of the body effectively. Avoid oily food like pakoras, chips and pooris. These will irritate your system further and will make you feel lethargic. Eating healthy will provide relief from the symptoms of PMS.


2. Have Frequent Yet Small Meals

A big gap between two meals can lead to a drop in the blood sugar level in the body. This leads to reactive hypoglycemia, which can lead to the symptoms of PMS.


3. Avoid Consumption Of Alcohol 

People may feel that alcohol helps to get rid of PMS blues. But actually, alcohol is a depressant. It makes an individual feel more fatigued, tired and depressed. It depletes the Vitamin B and minerals from the body of individuals. It also causes disruption in the metabolism of carbohydrate. The body’s ability to work on the hormones gets affected, which leads to higher levels of estrogen in the body. So, it is important to avoid the consumption of alcohol to avoid PMS.


 4. Avoid Stress

The symptoms of PMS get worsened when the frustration of daily life goes out of control.Stress management is really important to keep PMS symptoms under control. Stress is also the major cause of acne, so you need to take extra care to keep stress at bay during PMS. Listening to music, taking a walk, joining stress management programs or meditation are a few ways to do so.Take time to unwind and pamper yourself.Indulge in spa treatments or even gossip session. Opt to hit the gym with your buddy.


5. Reduce Fat Intake

Consuming excessive amounts of dietary fat may lead to the malfunctioning of the liver. So, it is recommended to go for some smaller quantities of fish, seafood, lean meat, nuts, and seeds. Also, consume rice, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to complete your meal.


6. Reduce Intake Of High Sodium Food Items

Here comes the most effective premenstrual bloating remedies. Hot dogs, catsup, salad dressings, and bouillon are the food items that contain a large quantity of high sodium and table salt. These lead to bloating, breast tenderness, retention of body fluid and other symptoms of PMS. So stay off them for your own good.


7. Drink Herbal Tea

Consuming some herbal tea works wonderfully in treating symptoms of PMS. Have some chamomile tea or cinnamon tea just before going to bed. Sweeten the tea with some honey. This will help you to relax completely and have a peaceful night’s sleep. This, in turn, will provide relief from all the disturbing PMS signs and symptoms effectively.

And lastly don't forget to have good night sleep always.
7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Premenstrual Syndrome 7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Premenstrual Syndrome Reviewed by Marash on 9:00 AM Rating: 5