Home Remedies for Muscle Weakness

Muscle weakness is very common. For instance, after an intense workout, your muscles become weak but soon recover after some rest. However, it’s a sign of a problem if you suffer from persistent muscle weakness.

You’ll know that you are suffering from muscle weakness or reduced muscle strength when despite your full effort, your body is not able to produce a normal muscle contraction or movement.


Remedy 1 - Epsom Salt

Enjoying an Epsom salt bath once a week can help fight muscle weakness. Being rich in magnesium, Epsom salt helps increase the magnesium level in your body, which is essential for your muscles to work properly.

The magnesium in Epsom salt also promotes muscle relaxation and healing. In fact, regular muscle spasms and cramps are noticeable symptoms of a magnesium deficiency.

How To Use:

  • Fill a bathtub with warm water.
  • Add 2 cups of Epsom salt and stir it thoroughly.
  • Enjoy this soothing bath for at least 15 to 20 minutes once a week.


Remedy 2 - Oil Message

Regular oil massage helps increase the flow of blood to the surface of the skin. This will loosen up the muscles and improve circulation so that more nutrients reach the weak muscles to make them stronger. This helps prevent and treat muscle weakness. 

 How To Use:

  • Warm up some olive, coconut or mustard oil.
  • Apply the warm oil on your body, especially the legs.
  • Gently massage for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Use this remedy several times a day for a few days. 


Remedy 3 - Exercise

If you think you should not exercise when experiencing muscle weakness, you are making a big mistake. 

Gentle exercises are a must to help build muscle strength and improve circulation.

One of the best exercises that you should do daily is walking. Try to walk for a minimum of 30 minutes, at least 5 times a week. If you have difficulty walking, use some kind of support or consult your doctor for suggestions.

Along with walking, you can also try swimming, jogging, running, biking, trekking, and similar activities to help strengthen your weak muscles.

You can also try yoga to keep your energy level high.

 Additional Tips
  • Before exercising, make sure you take time to stretch your muscles and warm up.
  • Also, after your workout, you should perform stretching exercises.
  • Get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep to help your body and muscles recover properly.
  • Take a warm shower before going to bed and after a workout session.
  • Avoid addictions like smoking, caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco as well as illegal drugs.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and hot surroundings.
  • As muscle weakness can indicate a potassium or magnesium deficiency, eat more foods rich in these minerals.
  • Eat more vitamin B foods to build strong muscles.
  • Avoid eating foods that are high in saturated fats. 
Source: Top10Homeremedies
Home Remedies for Muscle Weakness Home Remedies for Muscle Weakness Reviewed by Marash on 8:22 AM Rating: 5